Friday, October 11, 2013

Heresy, heresy everywhere

But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.
(2 Peter 2:1-3)

Make no mistake. They walk among us. They are already here.

Years ago, they tried to recruit me in university.
That didn't work, for the reason was that I was immunized back then.
However, as soon as their tainted doctrine reached my ears, I knew
I saw the wolves under the bloodstained sheepskin.
And I ran from them.
It wasn't my Master's voice.

And yet again, twice have different false teachers with their honey-smooth words
Attempted to breach my guarded defences and subvert the mind of Christ.
To His credit, He let me see the false teachings behind their false words.

I'm no super holy man that I was able to see through their ploys.
The only measure I knew and the only measure I needed was the Word of God.
It is my sword and my shield, with which I daily face the hounding heretics
After me, baying for my faith, my loyalty, my support.

Read the Bible daily, brothers and sisters, for within its pages
Are the inspired, plenary, verbal Word of the Living God.
We fall not because of what we believe, but because we do not know what to believe.
And how can we live out what we believe if we know it not?
It is madness.

Scores of undergraduates are swept up in cultic nets,
Hundreds and thousands flock to charismatic speakers with dubious messages
Millions have been swayed by the doctrine of devils.
We have raised a generation of rootless Christians by our neglect.
And when the strong winds of adversity blows upon them,
We are surprised at their lack of faith and principles!

Should have seen it coming a mile away.
Sound doctrine is rare these days.
My critics can go ask any Christian they meet.
Ask them what they believe in.
Oh, they believe that there is One God?
Good, so too the demons in hell- they believe it and shudder! (James 2:19)
Oh, they also say that Jesus is the Son of God?
So did the demon in this grave-wandering lunatic (Mark 5:7)

Beyond the basics, they have no idea what to believe,
Because they rather read manga than the Bible.
And we muse in astonishment why their lives are not governed by the Scriptures.
Is that really a puzzle to us, or have we been so blinded to the facts
That it was just so convenient to forget about it

Back to the drawing board, ladies and gentlemen. Back to our Bibles.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Seasons of Grief

He was standing silent over the casket.
Lost in his thoughts.
Soft I touched his shoulder and alerted him to my presence.

My dear friend of my childhood days
I can sense your grief, and in turn, your loss.
Truly, I wish I knew your grandpa, but the season's come and gone.

And then in my own silence, I too am grieving.
Today's the day- how could I ever forget?
The 10th day of the 10th month.

A year ago, it was so vastly different.
Life was sweet, dripping with the hope of perhaps
The end of my search, the lonely road alone.

A year later, I still walk alone, I am tired.
So tired, of searching after shadows, I am weary.
Too many unfit candidates out there
I won't repeat the same mistakes again.

I have never been too choosy, I just took what life threw me.
Like a beggar picking up the meager earnings of the day.
Enough of it. If that is what it means to love, I shall love selectively.

I used to be the butt of jokes among my friends (sorry, ex friends- they've moved on)
because of my uber low standards when it comes to women.
Not to say that the girls I dated were of low standard,
It was simply that I didn't cared.

Now, I'm all but worn out. I've seen hundreds of girls go by-
Taken ones, Single ones, of ever shape and size, creed and color.
And what I saw filled me with dread.

I fear I shall never find the one I seek.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


The first man set his eyes upon the cursed fruit.
Never in his short existence could he foresee the far-reaching consequences

Fast forward to this day.
This is my third week.
Also, this will be my third funeral.

Death, so much death around me.
And one day too, my frame shall fall
And to dust shall I return

"...till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken;

for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

said the Lord God unto Adam
And to dust did Adam return.
So too did his sons, and their sons in like fashion.
Like an intricate setup of dominoes.

It is an uphill task.
The saints are all being called back to glory, one by one,
Striving, dying, reaching the prize that is in Christ.

But the work goes on, and the workers dwindle.
In this war of attrition we are rapidly losing ground.
True, I am here, of my generation, to serve, to seek for the lost ones

Alas, where are the youths who made merry with me?
Where are they? All, gone. And the generation war is lost.
We're losing the battle. This time, we'll win ourselves a war.

Let's win back our teens for Christ.