Tuesday, October 8, 2013


The first man set his eyes upon the cursed fruit.
Never in his short existence could he foresee the far-reaching consequences

Fast forward to this day.
This is my third week.
Also, this will be my third funeral.

Death, so much death around me.
And one day too, my frame shall fall
And to dust shall I return

"...till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken;

for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

said the Lord God unto Adam
And to dust did Adam return.
So too did his sons, and their sons in like fashion.
Like an intricate setup of dominoes.

It is an uphill task.
The saints are all being called back to glory, one by one,
Striving, dying, reaching the prize that is in Christ.

But the work goes on, and the workers dwindle.
In this war of attrition we are rapidly losing ground.
True, I am here, of my generation, to serve, to seek for the lost ones

Alas, where are the youths who made merry with me?
Where are they? All, gone. And the generation war is lost.
We're losing the battle. This time, we'll win ourselves a war.

Let's win back our teens for Christ.

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